.DIC file
      .DIC file
  .DOC files
      Speaking text with the DECtalk TTS Server
  .DOC files:   speaking with Word macro
      Speaking text with the DECtalk TTS Server
  .TAB file
      .TAB file
      Building a User Dictionary
  .TAB file:   creating
      Building a User Dictionary
  .WAV file
      Saving Text as a .WAV File from the Speak Applet
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
  additional syntax rules for DECtalk Software in-line commands
      Additional Syntax Rules for DECtalk Software In-line Commands
  allocate system resources
      The Core API Calls
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  allophones:   definition
  allophones:   phonemic symbols for
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  ap option
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
  API calls
      Audio Output Control Calls
      Blocking Synchronization Call
      Control and Status Calls
      Introduction to the DECtalk Software API
      Special Text-To-Speech Modes
      TextToSpeechStartup (UNIX only)
      TextToSpeechStartup (Windows only)
      The Core API Calls
  API calls:   audio output control
      Audio Output Control Calls
  API calls:   blocking synchronization
      Blocking Synchronization Call
  API calls:   control
      Control and Status Calls
  API calls:   core calls
      The Core API Calls
  API calls:   introduction
      Introduction to the DECtalk Software API
  API calls:   special Text-To-Speech modes
      Special Text-To-Speech Modes
  API calls:   status
      Control and Status Calls
  API calls:   TextToSpeechAddBuffer
  API calls:   TextToSpeechCloseInMemory
  API calls:   TextToSpeechCloseLang
  API calls:   TextToSpeechCloseLogFile
  API calls:   TextToSpeechCloseWaveOutFile
  API calls:   TextToSpeechEnumLangs
  API calls:   TextToSpeechGetCaps
  API calls:   TextToSpeechGetFeatures
  API calls:   TextToSpeechGetLanguage
  API calls:   TextToSpeechGetRate
  API calls:   TextToSpeechGetSpeaker
  API calls:   TextToSpeechGetStatus
  API calls:   TextToSpeechLoadUserDictionary
  API calls:   TextToSpeechOpenInMemory
  API calls:   TextToSpeechOpenLogFile
  API calls:   TextToSpeechOpenWaveOutFile
  API calls:   TextToSpeechPause
  API calls:   TextToSpeechReset
  API calls:   TextToSpeechResume
  API calls:   TextToSpeechReturnBuffer
  API calls:   TextToSpeechSelectLang
  API calls:   TextToSpeechSetLanguage
  API calls:   TextToSpeechSetRate
  API calls:   TextToSpeechSetSpeaker
  API calls:   TextToSpeechShutdown
  API calls:   TextToSpeechSpeak
  API calls:   TextToSpeechStartLang
  API calls:   TextToSpeechStartup (UNIX only)
      TextToSpeechStartup (UNIX only)
  API calls:   TextToSpeechStartup (Windows only)
      TextToSpeechStartup (Windows only)
  API calls:   TextToSpeechStartupEx
  API calls:   TextToSpeechSync
  API calls:   TextToSpeechTyping
  API calls:   TextToSpeechUnloadUserDictionary
  API calls:   TextToSpeechVersion
  API calls:   TextToSpeechVersionEx
  applet:   definition
  application development
      Avoiding Common Errors
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
  application development:   common errors
      Avoiding Common Errors
  application development:   developing an electronic mail application
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
  Application Programmer
      Application Programmer
  as option
      Assertiveness, as
  Assertiveness (as option)
      Assertiveness, as
  Audio Output control calls
      Audio Output Control Calls
  Average Pitch (ap option)
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
  Baseline Fall (bf option)
      Baseline Fall, bf
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  bf option
      Baseline Fall, bf
      clause boundary
  boundary:   clause
      clause boundary
  br option
      Breathiness, br
  Breathiness (br option)
      Breathiness, br
  buffer messages
      Buffer Messages
  building a User Dictionary
      Building a User Dictionary
      Phoneme Notifications
  Callback routines
      Callback Routine Example
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
  Callback routines:   defined in startup calls
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
  Callback routines:   example
      Callback Routine Example
      DECtalk Software API Calls
  Cascade Vocal Tract Gains (g1 through g4 options)
      Cascade Vocal Tract Gains, g1, g2, g3, and g4
  changing output speed
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Dtsample Applet
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Speak Applet
      Editing a Text File from the Dtsample Applet
  changing output speed:   from the Sample applet
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Dtsample Applet
      Editing a Text File from the Dtsample Applet
  changing output speed:   from the Speak applet
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Speak Applet
  changing relative gains and avoiding overloads
      Changing Relative Gains and Avoiding Overloads
  changing the speaking rate from the Sample applet
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Dtsample Applet
  changing voices
      Changing Voice Selections
      Changing voices using DECtalk Software in-line commands
      Changing voices using the Voice menu
      Editing a Text File and Playing Selected Segments from the Speak Applet
  changing voices:   from the Speak applet
      Editing a Text File and Playing Selected Segments from the Speak Applet
  changing voices:   overview
      Changing Voice Selections
  changing voices:   using DECtalk Software in-line commands
      Changing voices using DECtalk Software in-line commands
      Clause-Based Synthesis
  clause-based synthesis
      Clause-Based Synthesis
  clause-based synthesis:   boundary
      clause boundary
  clause-based synthesis:   defined
      Clause-Based Synthesis
  clause-based synthesis:   mode
      clause mode
  clause-based synthesis:   terminator
      clause terminator
      Clause-Based Synthesis
  closing a language
      Closing a Language
  comma in-line command
      Comma Pause [:comma]
  comma pause
      comma pause
  Comma Pause [
      Comma Pause [:comma]
  Comma Pause [:  comma] in-line command
      Comma Pause [:comma]
  comma pause duration
      Adjusting Period and Comma Pause Durations
  command-line applet
      Using the Say Command-Line Applet
  command names
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
      Saving and Compiling the User Dictionary
  compiling:   user dictionary
      Saving and Compiling the User Dictionary
  configuring the Text-To-Speech server
      To launch and configure the DECtalk Software Text-To-Speech Server
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  consonants:   phonemic symbols for
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  Control calls
      Control and Status Calls
  cp in-line command
      Comma Pause [:comma]
      Customizing a DECtalk Software Voice
  customizing:   DECtalk Software voices
      Customizing a DECtalk Software Voice
      Introduction to the DECtalk Software API
  DDE applications
      Using the TTS Server to Run DECtalk Software from Windows Applications
  DDE applications:   running DECtalk from
      Using the TTS Server to Run DECtalk Software from Windows Applications
      Building a User Dictionary
      Changing Voice Selections
      Customizing a DECtalk Software Voice
      DECtalk Software API Calls
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
      DECtalk Software Reference Tables
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
      Editing a Text File and Playing Selected Segments from the Speak Applet
      Introduction to the DECtalk Software API
      Speaking a Text File Using Drag and Drop
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
      Text-Tuning Example
      Using the Say Command-Line Applet
  DECtalk Software
      Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
      DECtalk Software Singing "Happy Birthday"
      Dictionary Facilities
      In-Line Voice Control Commands
  DECtalk Software:   APIs
      Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
  DECtalk Software:   Dictionaries
      Dictionary Facilities
  DECtalk Software:   in-line commands
      In-Line Voice Control Commands
  DECtalk Software:   singing "Happy Birthday"
      DECtalk Software Singing "Happy Birthday"
  DECtalk voices
      Changing Gender and Head Size
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  DECtalk voices:   API calls
      DECtalk Software API Calls
  DECtalk voices:   API introduction
      Introduction to the DECtalk Software API
  DECtalk voices:   applets
      DECtalk Applet Master Index
  DECtalk voices:   Audio output control calls
      Audio Output Control Calls
  DECtalk voices:   changing gender
      Changing Gender and Head Size
  DECtalk voices:   changing head size
      Changing Gender and Head Size
  DECtalk voices:   changing voice selections
      Changing Voice Selections
  DECtalk voices:   customizing a voice
      Customizing a DECtalk Software Voice
  DECtalk voices:   defined
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  DECtalk voices:   developing an application
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
  DECtalk voices:   in-line commands
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
  DECtalk voices:   optimizing a spoken file
      Text-Tuning Example
  DECtalk voices:   Reference Tables
      DECtalk Software Reference Tables
  DECtalk voices:   running the Sample applet
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
  DECtalk voices:   running the SAY command-line applet
      Using the Say Command-Line Applet
  DECtalk voices:   running the Speak applet
      Editing a Text File and Playing Selected Segments from the Speak Applet
  DECtalk voices:   running the User Dictionary applet
      Building a User Dictionary
  DECtalk voices:   starting with drag and drop
      Speaking a Text File Using Drag and Drop
      Phoneme Notifications
  Default Locations for Dictionaries
      Default Locations for Dictionaries
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  Design Voice [
      Design Voice [:dv] Command
  Design Voice [:  dv] command
      Design Voice [:dv] Command
  Design Voice options
      Design Voice [:dv] Command
  Dial Tones [
      Dial Tones [:dial]
  Dial Tones [:  dial]
      Dial Tones [:dial]
  Dial Tones [:  dial] in-line command
      Dial Tones [:dial]
      Building a User Dictionary
      Loading the Main Dictionary (Dynamic Engine)
  Dictionary (UNIX)
      Creating a User Dictionary (UNIX)
      Dictionary Calls (UNIX only)
      Loading the Main Dictionary (UNIX)
      Loading the User Dictionary (UNIX)
  Dictionary (UNIX):   creating
      Creating a User Dictionary (UNIX)
  Dictionary (UNIX):   loading the Main Dictionary
      Loading the Main Dictionary (UNIX)
  Dictionary (UNIX):   loading the User Dictionary
      Loading the User Dictionary (UNIX)
  Dictionary (UNIX):   overview
      Dictionary Calls (UNIX only)
  Dictionary (Windows)
      Creating a User Dictionary (Windows)
  Dictionary (Windows):   creating
      Creating a User Dictionary (Windows)
  Dictionary Build Tool
      Overview of the User Dictionary Build Tool
  Dictionary Build Tool:   overview
      Overview of the User Dictionary Build Tool
  Dictionary calls
      Dictionary Calls (UNIX only)
      Dictionary Calls (Windows only)
  Dictionary calls:   building a .tab source file
      Building a User Dictionary
  Dictionary calls:   components of
      Overview of the User Dictionary Build Tool
  Dictionary calls:   loading the Main Dictionary (Windows)
      Loading the Main Dictionary (Dynamic Engine)
  Dictionary calls:   UNIX
      Dictionary Calls (UNIX only)
  Dictionary calls:   Windows
      Dictionary Calls (Windows only)
  drag and drop to start DECtalk
      Speaking a Text File Using Drag and Drop
      Adjusting Period and Comma Pause Durations
  dv in-line commands
      Design Voice [:dv] Command
  Dynamic Data Exchange applications
      Using the TTS Server to Run DECtalk Software from Windows Applications
  Dynamic Data Exchange applications:   running DECtalk from
      Using the TTS Server to Run DECtalk Software from Windows Applications
  dynamic engine
      dynamic engine
  e-mail parser
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
  editing a text file from the sample applet
      Editing a Text File from the Dtsample Applet
  email mode
      Mode [:mode]
  emphatic stress
      emphatic stress
  English (UK)
      English (UK)
  English (US
      English (US, UK)
  English (US:   UK)
      English (US, UK)
  Error [
      Error [:error]
  Error [:  error] in-line command
      Error [:error]
  error messages
      Error Messages
  errror in-line command
      Error [:error]
  Europe mode
      Mode [:mode]
  falling intonation
      falling intonation
  Features and Functions
      Features and Functions
  fixed cycles
      Nopen Fixed, nf
  fixed cycles:   number of open
      Nopen Fixed, nf
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  g1 through g4 options
      Cascade Vocal Tract Gains, g1, g2, g3, and g4
  g5 option
      Loudness, g5
  Gain of aspiration source (gh option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  Gain of frication source (gf option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  Gain of nasalization (gn option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  Gain of voicing source (gv option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
      Changing Gender and Head Size
  gender:   changing
      Changing Gender and Head Size
  General Parsing Rules
      General Parsing Rules
  General User
      General User
  gf option
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  gh option
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  gn option
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  gv option
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  Hat Rise (hr option)
      Hat Rise, hr
  head size
      Changing Gender and Head Size
  Head Size (hs option)
      Head Size, hs
  Head Size (hs option):   changing
      Changing Gender and Head Size
  Header files
      Header Files
  Header files:   for languages
      Header Files
  Header files:   in sample programs
      Header Files
  higher formants
      Higher Formants, f4, f5, b4, and b5
  higher formants:   specifying
      Higher Formants, f4, f5, b4, and b5
  highlighting spoken text
      Highlighting Text as it is Spoken
  Homograph tables
      Homograph Phonetics - (A)
      Homograph Phonetics - (B-C)
      Homograph Phonetics - (D-G)
      Homograph Phonetics - (I-L)
      Homograph Phonetics - (M-P)
      Homograph Phonetics - (R)
      Homograph Phonetics - (S-W)
  Homograph tables:   (A)
      Homograph Phonetics - (A)
  Homograph tables:   (B-C)
      Homograph Phonetics - (B-C)
  Homograph tables:   (D-G)
      Homograph Phonetics - (D-G)
  Homograph tables:   (I-L)
      Homograph Phonetics - (I-L)
  Homograph tables:   (M-P)
      Homograph Phonetics - (M-P)
  Homograph tables:   (R)
      Homograph Phonetics - (R)
  Homograph tables:   (S-W)
      Homograph Phonetics - (S-W)
  homographs:   definition
  homographs:   overview
  How It Works
      How It Works
  how to do multi-language programming
      How to do Multi-Language Programming
  hr option
      Hat Rise, hr
  hs option
      Head Size, hs
  in-line commands
      Changing voices using DECtalk Software in-line commands
      Comma Pause [:comma]
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
      Design Voice [:dv] Command
      Dial Tones [:dial]
      Error [:error]
      Index Mark [:index mark]
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
      Log [:log]
      Mode [:mode]
      Name [:name]
      Period Pause [:period]
      Phoneme Interpretation [:phoneme]
      Play Wave Files [:play]
      Pronounce [:pronounce]
      Punctuation [:punct]
      Rate Selection [:rate]
      Say [:say]
      Skip [:skip]
      Sync [:sync]
      Tone [:tone]
      Using In-Line Commands
      Volume [:volume]
  in-line commands:   Comma Pause [:  comma]
      Comma Pause [:comma]
  in-line commands:   Design Voice [:  dv}
      Design Voice [:dv] Command
  in-line commands:   Dial Tones [:  dial]
      Dial Tones [:dial]
  in-line commands:   Error [:  error]
      Error [:error]
  in-line commands:   Index Mark [:  index mark]
      Index Mark [:index mark]
  in-line commands:   inserting in Sample applet
      Changing voices using DECtalk Software in-line commands
  in-line commands:   Log [:  log]
      Log [:log]
  in-line commands:   Mode [:  mode]
      Mode [:mode]
  in-line commands:   Name [:  name]
      Name [:name]
  in-line commands:   overview
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
  in-line commands:   Period Pause [:  period]
      Period Pause [:period]
  in-line commands:   Phoneme Interpretation [:  phoneme]
      Phoneme Interpretation [:phoneme]
  in-line commands:   play WAVE files [:  play]
      Play Wave Files [:play]
  in-line commands:   Pronounce [:  pronounce]
      Pronounce [:pronounce]
  in-line commands:   Punctuation [:  punct]
      Punctuation [:punct]
  in-line commands:   Rate Selection [:  rate]
      Rate Selection [:rate]
  in-line commands:   Say [:  say]
      Say [:say]
  in-line commands:   Skip [:  skip]
      Skip [:skip]
  in-line commands:   Sync [:  sync]
      Sync [:sync]
  in-line commands:   syntax rules
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
  in-line commands:   Tone [:  tone]
      Tone [:tone]
  in-line commands:   using
      Using In-Line Commands
  in-line commands:   Volume [:  volume]
      Volume [:volume]
  Index Mark [
      Index Mark [:index mark]
  Index Mark [:  index mark] in-line command
      Index Mark [:index mark]
  Index Mark command
      Blocking Synchronization Call
  Index Mark command and non-blocking synchronization
      Blocking Synchronization Call
  Index mark messages
      Index Mark Messages
  Index marker (flag)
      index marker (flag)
  index marks
      Index Marks for Speech Status
  index marks:   used to indicate speech status
      Index Marks for Speech Status
  Interpreting Punctuation Marks as Punctuation
      Interpreting Punctuation Marks as Punctuation
  Interpreting Punctuation Marks as Words
      Interpreting Punctuation Marks as Words
      Changing Pitch and Intonation
  intonation:   changing
      Changing Pitch and Intonation
  intonation:   control of
      Changing Rhythm, Stress, and Intonation
  intonation:   falling
      falling intonation
  Introduction to DECtalk Software
      Introduction to DECtalk Software
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  la option
      Laryngealization, la
      LANGUAGE_PARAMS_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
      Header Files
  Laryngealization (la option)
      Laryngealization, la
  launch and configure the DECtalk Software Text-To-Speech Server
      To launch and configure the DECtalk Software Text-To-Speech Server
  Lax Breathiness (lx option)
      Lax Breathiness, lx
  letter mode
      letter mode
  list of languages
      Header Files
  loading the Main Dictionary
      Loading the Main Dictionary (Dynamic Engine)
      Loading the Main Dictionary (UNIX)
  Loading the Main Dictionary (Static Engine)
      Loading the Main Dictionary (Static Engine)
  loading the User Dictionary
      Loading a User Dictionary from the Speak Applet
  loading the User Dictionary:   from the Speak applet
      Loading a User Dictionary from the Speak Applet
  log-file mode
      Log-File Mode
      log-file mode
  Log [
      Log [:log]
  Log [:  log] in-line command
      Log [:log]
  log file
      log file
      Log-File Mode
  Loudness (g5 option)
      Loudness, g5
      Buffer Messages
      Error Messages
      Index Mark Messages
  LPARAM:   in buffer messages
      Buffer Messages
  LPARAM:   in error messages
      Error Messages
  LPARAM:   in index mark messages
      Index Mark Messages
  lx option
      Lax Breathiness, lx
      Creating a Word Macro and associating it with a file or template
  macro to run DECtalk with MS Word
      Associating a macro with a toolbar button
      Creating a Word Macro and associating it with a file or template
      Speaking text with the DECtalk TTS Server
  macro to run DECtalk with MS Word:   associating with toolbar
      Associating a macro with a toolbar button
  macro to run DECtalk with MS Word:   creating
      Creating a Word Macro and associating it with a file or template
  macro to run DECtalk with MS Word:   using to speak text
      Speaking text with the DECtalk TTS Server
  Math characters
      Mode [:mode]
  Math characters:   interpretation of
      Mode [:mode]
  math mode
      Mode [:mode]
  memory buffers
      Initialization of Memory Buffers
      Return of Memory Buffers
  memory buffers:   initializing
      Initialization of Memory Buffers
  memory buffers:   return of
      Return of Memory Buffers
      Phoneme Notifications
      clause mode
  Mode [
      Mode [:mode]
  Mode [:   clause
      clause mode
  Mode [:  mode] in-line command
      Mode [:mode]
  multi-language programming
      Closing a Language
      Multi-Language Programming Example
      Selecting a Language
      Starting a Language
  musical sounds
      Tone Table
  musical sounds:   coding
      Tone Table
  Name [
      Name [:name]
  Name [:  name] in-line command
      Name [:name]
  name mode
      Mode [:mode]
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
  nb (full female voice)
      Name [:name]
  nd (male voice)
      Name [:name]
  nf (aged male voice)
      Name [:name]
  nf option
      Nopen Fixed, nf
  nh (full male voice)
      Name [:name]
  Nopen Fixed (nf option)
      Nopen Fixed, nf
      Phoneme Notifications
  np (default male voice)
      Name [:name]
  nu (aged female voice)
      Name [:name]
  option names
      DECtalk Software In-Line Commands: Overview
      Changing Relative Gains and Avoiding Overloads
  overloads:   avoiding
      Changing Relative Gains and Avoiding Overloads
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
  parser:   e-mail
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
  Parsing Email
      Parsing Email
  Parsing Punctuation
      Parsing Punctuation
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  pause duration
      Adjusting Period and Comma Pause Durations
  period in-line command
      Period Pause [:period]
  Period pause
      period pause
  Period Pause [
      Period Pause [:period]
  Period Pause [:  period] in-line command
      Period Pause [:period]
  period pause duration
      Adjusting Period and Comma Pause Durations
  Phoneme Arpabet command
      phoneme arpabet command
  Phoneme command
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
  Phoneme command:   proper use of bracket
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
  Phoneme Identifiers and Phonemic Symbols - English
      Phoneme Identifiers and Phonemic Symbols - English
  Phoneme Interpretation [
      Phoneme Interpretation [:phoneme]
  Phoneme Interpretation [:  phoneme] in-line command
      Phoneme Interpretation [:phoneme]
  Phoneme Notifications
      Phoneme Notifications
  phoneme string
      phoneme string
      Phoneme Notifications
  Phonemes in Unicode Sequence
      Phonemes in Unicode Sequence
      phonemic mode
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
      Phonemic Symbols Listed By Language
      Phonemic Syntax for Singing
      phonemic transcription
  Phonemic Symbols - Castilian Spanish
      Phonemic Symbols - Castilian Spanish
  Phonemic Symbols - French
      Phonemic Symbols - French
  Phonemic Symbols - German
      Phonemic Symbols - German
  Phonemic Symbols - Latin American Spanish
      Phonemic Symbols - Latin American Spanish
  Phonemic Symbols - U.K. English
      Phonemic Symbols - U.K. English
  Phonemic Symbols - U.K. English:   mode
      phonemic mode
  Phonemic Symbols - U.K. English:   symbols
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  Phonemic Symbols - U.K. English:   symbols overview
      Phonemic Symbols Listed By Language
  Phonemic Symbols - U.K. English:   syntax for singing
      Phonemic Syntax for Singing
  Phonemic Symbols - U.K. English:  transcription
      phonemic transcription
  phrase boundary
      phrase boundary
      Changing Pitch and Intonation
  Pitch [
      Pitch [:pitch]
  Pitch [:  pitch]
      Pitch [:pitch]
  pitch control symbols
      pitch control symbols
  pitch numbers
      Tone Table
  pitch numbers:   used to code musical sounds
      Tone Table
  Pitch Range (pr option)
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
  Pitch Range (pr option):   changing
      Changing Pitch and Intonation
  play WAVE files [
      Play Wave Files [:play]
  play WAVE files [:  play] in-line command
      Play Wave Files [:play]
  playing selected text from the Sample applet
      Playing Selected Text from the Dtsample Applet
  pr option
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
  Preprocessor Rules for Parsing
      Preprocessor Rules for Parsing
  primary stress
      primary stress
  program applets
      Using the Applets to Learn DECtalk Software Basics
  program applets:   overview
      Using the Applets to Learn DECtalk Software Basics
  Programming Aids
      Programming Aids
  Pronounce [
      Pronounce [:pronounce]
  Pronounce [:  pronounce] in-line command
      Pronounce [:pronounce]
  proper name
      proper name
  Punctuation [
      Punctuation [:punct]
  Punctuation [:  punct] in-line command
      Punctuation [:punct]
  qu option
      Quickness, qu
      Optimizing the Quality of Spoken Text
  quality:   optimizing for spoken text
      Optimizing the Quality of Spoken Text
  Quickness (qu option)
      Quickness, qu
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Dtsample Applet
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Speak Applet
      Editing a Text File from the Dtsample Applet
  Rate Selection [
      Rate Selection [:rate]
  Rate Selection [:   changing from the Sample applet
      Editing a Text File from the Dtsample Applet
  Rate Selection [:  rate] in-line command
      Rate Selection [:rate]
  reference tables
      DECtalk Software Reference Tables
      Homograph Phonetics - (A)
      Homograph Phonetics - (B-C)
      Homograph Phonetics - (D-G)
      Homograph Phonetics - (I-L)
      Homograph Phonetics - (M-P)
      Homograph Phonetics - (R)
      Homograph Phonetics - (S-W)
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
      Stress Symbols
      Syntactic Symbols
      Tone Table
  reference tables:   homograph phonetics - (A)
      Homograph Phonetics - (A)
  reference tables:   homograph phonetics - (B-C)
      Homograph Phonetics - (B-C)
  reference tables:   homograph phonetics -(D-G)
      Homograph Phonetics - (D-G)
  reference tables:   homograph phonetics -(I-L)
      Homograph Phonetics - (I-L)
  reference tables:   homograph phonetics -(M-P)
      Homograph Phonetics - (M-P)
  reference tables:   homograph phonetics -(R)
      Homograph Phonetics - (R)
  reference tables:   homograph phonetics -(S-W)
      Homograph Phonetics - (S-W)
  reference tables:   overview
      DECtalk Software Reference Tables
  reference tables:   phonemic symbols
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  reference tables:   stress symbols
      Stress Symbols
  reference tables:   syntactic symbols
      Syntactic Symbols
  reference tables:   tone table
      Tone Table
  Registry Entry Information
      Registry Entry Information
  relative gains
      Changing Relative Gains and Avoiding Overloads
  relative gains:   changing
      Changing Relative Gains and Avoiding Overloads
      The Core API Calls
      Changing Rhythm, Stress, and Intonation
  rhythm:   control of
      Changing Rhythm, Stress, and Intonation
  ri option
      Richness, ri
  Richness (ri option)
      Richness, ri
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  Sample applet
      About the Dtsample Applet
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
  Sample applet:   description
      About the Dtsample Applet
  Sample applet:   starting
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
  Sample Program Applet
      Dtsample Applet (Windows)
  Sample programs
      Sample Programs (Windows only)
      Shareable Libraries
  Sample programs:   Windows
      Sample Programs (Windows only)
  Sample programs:   building (UNIX)
      Building Sample Programs
  Sample programs:   Header files (UNIX)
      Header Files
  Sample programs:   shareable libraries (UNIX)
      Shareable Libraries
  Sample programs:   UNIX only
      Sample Programs (UNIX only)
  Save option
      Save, save
  Save option:   specifying
      Save, save
      Saving Changes as Val's Voice
  saving and compiling the User Dictionary
      Saving and Compiling the User Dictionary
  saving changes as Val's voice
      Saving Changes as Val's Voice
  saving text
      Saving Text as a .WAV File from the Speak Applet
  saving text:   voice changes
      Saving Changes as Val's Voice
  SAY command-line applet
      Dictionary Options
      Help Options
      Input Options
      Output Options
      Using the Say Command-Line Applet
  SAY command-line applet:   dictionary options
      Dictionary Options
  SAY command-line applet:   help options
      Help Options
  SAY command-line applet:   input options
      Input Options
  SAY command-line applet:   output options
      Output Options
  Say [
      Say [:say]
  Say [:  say] in-line command
      Say [:say]
  secondary stress
      secondary stress
  selecting a language
      Selecting a Language
  Sex (sx option)
      Sex, sx
  shareable libraries
      Shareable Libraries
  shareable libraries:   UNIX
      Shareable Libraries
  silence phoneme
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
      silence phonemes
  silence phoneme:   definition
      silence phonemes
  silence phoneme:   in e-mail application
      Developing an Electronic Mail-Reading Application
  silence phoneme:   symbol for
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  singing and musical tones
      Pitch and Duration of Tones
  Skip [
      Skip [:skip]
  Skip [:  skip] in-line command
      Skip [:skip]
  sm option
      Smoothness, sm
  Smoothness (sm option)
      Smoothness, sm
  Spanish (Castilian and Latin American)
      Spanish (Castilian and Latin American)
  Speak applet
      Using the Speak Applet
  Speak applet:   overview
      Using the Speak Applet
  Speak Program Applet
      Speak Applet
  Speaker-definition options
      Assertiveness, as
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
      Baseline Fall, bf
      Breathiness, br
      Cascade Vocal Tract Gains, g1, g2, g3, and g4
      Changing Voice Quality
      Hat Rise, hr
      Head Size, hs
      Higher Formants, f4, f5, b4, and b5
      Laryngealization, la
      Lax Breathiness, lx
      Loudness, g5
      Nopen Fixed, nf
      Quickness, qu
      Richness, ri
      Sex, sx
      Smoothness, sm
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
      Stress Rise, sr
  Speaker-definition options:   Assertiveness (as option)
      Assertiveness, as
  Speaker-definition options:   Average Pitch (ap option)
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
  Speaker-definition options:   Baseline Fall (bf option)
      Baseline Fall, bf
  Speaker-definition options:   Breathiness (br option)
      Breathiness, br
  Speaker-definition options:   Cascade Vocal Tract Gains (g1 through g4 options)
      Cascade Vocal Tract Gains, g1, g2, g3, and g4
  Speaker-definition options:   Gain of aspiration source (gh option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  Speaker-definition options:   Gain of frication source (gf option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  Speaker-definition options:   Gain of nasalization (gn option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  Speaker-definition options:   Gain of voicing source (gv option)
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
  Speaker-definition options:   Hat Rise (hr option)
      Hat Rise, hr
  Speaker-definition options:   Head Size (hs option)
      Head Size, hs
  Speaker-definition options:   Laryngealization (la option)
      Laryngealization, la
  Speaker-definition options:   Lax Breathiness (lx option)
      Lax Breathiness, lx
  Speaker-definition options:   Loudness (g5 option)
      Loudness, g5
  Speaker-definition options:   Nopen Fixed (nf option)
      Nopen Fixed, nf
  Speaker-definition options:   Pitch Range (pr option)
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
  Speaker-definition options:   Quickness (qu option)
      Quickness, qu
  Speaker-definition options:   Richness (ri option)
      Richness, ri
  Speaker-definition options:   Sex (sx option)
      Sex, sx
  Speaker-definition options:   Smoothness (sm option)
      Smoothness, sm
  Speaker-definition options:   Stress rise (sr option)
      Stress Rise, sr
  speaker-definition parameters
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  speaking a file
      Speaking a Text File Using Drag and Drop
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
  speaking a file:   using drag and drop
      Speaking a Text File Using Drag and Drop
  speaking a file:   using the Sample Applet
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
  speaking rate
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Dtsample Applet
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Speak Applet
      Speaking Rate
  speaking rate:   changing from the Speak applet
      Changing the Speaking Rate from the Speak Applet
  speaking rate:   control of
      Speaking Rate
  special modes
      Log-File Mode
      Speech-To-Memory Mode
      Wave-File Mode
  special modes:   log-file
      Log-File Mode
  special modes:   Speech-To-Memory
      Speech-To-Memory Mode
  special modes:   wave-file
      Wave-File Mode
  Special Text-To-Speech modes
      Special Text-To-Speech Modes
  speech-to-memory mode
      Speech-To-Memory Mode
      speech-to-memory mode
  speech status
      Index Marks for Speech Status
  speech status:   indicating with index marks
      Index Marks for Speech Status
  sr option
      Stress Rise, sr
  starting a language
      Starting a Language
  startup function
      startup function
  startup functions
      The Core API Calls
  startup state
      startup state
  static engine
      static engine
  Status calls
      Control and Status Calls
  Stress rise (sr option)
      Stress Rise, sr
  Stress symbols
      Stress and Syntactic Symbols
      Stress Symbols
  Stress symbols:   overview
      Stress and Syntactic Symbols
  Stress symbols:   table
      Stress Symbols
      TTS_BUFFER_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
      TTS_CAPS_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
      TTS_INDEX_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
      TTS_PHONEME_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  structures:   LANGUAGE_PARAMS_T
      LANGUAGE_PARAMS_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  structures:   TTS_BUFFER_T
      TTS_BUFFER_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  structures:   TTS_CAPS_T
      TTS_CAPS_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  structures:   TTS_INDEX_T
      TTS_INDEX_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  structures:   TTS_PHONEME_T
      TTS_PHONEME_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  Supported SAPI functions
      Supported SAPI Functions (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000)
  Supported SAPI Version 5 Features
      Supported SAPI Version 5 Features (Windows 98/ME/NT/2000)
  sx option
      Sex, sx
  syllabic stress
      Changing Rhythm, Stress, and Intonation
  syllabic stress:   control of
      Changing Rhythm, Stress, and Intonation
  Sync [
      Sync [:sync]
  Sync [:  sync] in-line command
      Sync [:sync]
      Blocking Synchronization Call
  synchronization:   blocking
      Blocking Synchronization Call
  synchronization:   non-blocking
      Blocking Synchronization Call
  syntactic function words
      syntactic function words
  Syntactic symbols
      Stress and Syntactic Symbols
      Syntactic Symbols
  Syntactic symbols:   overview
      Stress and Syntactic Symbols
  Syntactic symbols:   table
      Syntactic Symbols
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
  syntax:   for in-line commands
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
  system resources
      The Core API Calls
      Creating a Word Macro and associating it with a file or template
  terminator clause
      clause terminator
  Text-To-Speech DDE Server
      Text-to-Speech Server (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 Only)
  Text-To-Speech server
      To launch and configure the DECtalk Software Text-To-Speech Server
      Using the TTS Server to Run DECtalk Software from Windows Applications
  Text-To-Speech server:   launching and configuring
      To launch and configure the DECtalk Software Text-To-Speech Server
  Text-To-Speech server:   used with applications supporting DDE
      Using the TTS Server to Run DECtalk Software from Windows Applications
  text files
      Editing a Text File and Playing Selected Segments from the Speak Applet
      Editing a Text File from the Dtsample Applet
      Highlighting Text as it is Spoken
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
      Playing Selected Text from the Dtsample Applet
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
  text files:   editing
      Editing a Text File from the Dtsample Applet
  text files:   editing from Speak applet
      Editing a Text File and Playing Selected Segments from the Speak Applet
  text files:   highlighting when spoken
      Highlighting Text as it is Spoken
  text files:   inserting commands into
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
  text files:   opening
      Speaking a Text File Using the Dtsample Applet
  text files:   playing from the Sample applet
      Playing Selected Text from the Dtsample Applet
  text files:   playing from the Speak applet
      Editing a Text File and Playing Selected Segments from the Speak Applet
  text queuing with TextToSpeechSpeak
      Important Text-Queuing Information
  text tuning
      Text-Tuning Example
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
      Important Text-Queuing Information
  TextToSpeechSpeak:   notifiying calling application
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
  TextToSpeechSpeak:   text queuing
      Important Text-Queuing Information
  TextToSpeechStartup (UNIX only)
      TextToSpeechStartup (UNIX only)
  TextToSpeechStartup (Windows only)
      TextToSpeechStartup (Windows only)
  Tone [
      Tone [:tone]
  Tone [:  tone] in-line command
      Tone [:tone]
  Tone table
      Pitch and Duration of Tones
      Tone Table
  Tone table:   overview
      Pitch and Duration of Tones
  Tone table:   used to code musical sounds
      Tone Table
      Associating a macro with a toolbar button
  toolbar:   associating Word macro with
      Associating a macro with a toolbar button
  TTS server
      To launch and configure the DECtalk Software Text-To-Speech Server
  TTS server:   launching and configuring
      To launch and configure the DECtalk Software Text-To-Speech Server
  TTS_BUFFER_T structure
      TTS_BUFFER_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  TTS_CAPS_T structure
      TTS_CAPS_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  TTS_CAPS_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
      TTS_CAPS_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
  TTS_FORCE flag
      Controlling Queuing with Flags
  TTS_FORCE flag:   description
      Controlling Queuing with Flags
  TTS_INDEX_T structure
      TTS_INDEX_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
      Controlling Queuing with Flags
  TTS_NORMAL flag:   description
      Controlling Queuing with Flags
  TTS_PHONEME_T structure
      TTS_PHONEME_T Structure (ttsapi.h)
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  User dictionary
      Building a User Dictionary
      Creating a User Dictionary (UNIX)
      Creating a User Dictionary (Windows)
      Loading a User Dictionary from the Speak Applet
      Loading the User Dictionary (UNIX)
      Loading the User Dictionary (Windows)
      Saving and Compiling the User Dictionary
      user dictionary
  User Dictionary Build Tool
      Overview of the User Dictionary Build Tool
  User Dictionary Build Tool:   components of
      Overview of the User Dictionary Build Tool
  User Dictionary Build Tool:   overview of
      Overview of the User Dictionary Build Tool
  User dictionary builder
      user dictionary builder
  User dictionary builder:   building a .tab source file
      Building a User Dictionary
  User dictionary builder:   creating
      Creating a User Dictionary (UNIX)
      Creating a User Dictionary (Windows)
  User dictionary builder:   loading (UNIX)
      Loading the User Dictionary (UNIX)
  User dictionary builder:   loading (Windows)
      Loading the User Dictionary (Windows)
  User dictionary builder:   loading from Speak applet
      Loading a User Dictionary from the Speak Applet
  User dictionary builder:   saving and compiling
      Saving and Compiling the User Dictionary
  using DECtalk Software in-line commands
      Changing voices using DECtalk Software in-line commands
  Using the Components
      Using the Components
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  voice-control commands
      voice-control command
  voice-control commands:   examples of
      Inserting DECtalk Software In-Line Commands (Syntax Rules)
  voice changes
      Saving Changes as Val's Voice
  voice changes:   saving
      Saving Changes as Val's Voice
  voice quality
      Changing Voice Quality
  voice quality:   specifying
      Changing Voice Quality
  voice selections
      Changing Voice Selections
      Changing voices using DECtalk Software in-line commands
      Changing voices using the Voice menu
  voice selections:   changing voices from the Sample applet
      Changing voices using the Voice menu
  voice selections:   changing with in-line commands
      Changing voices using DECtalk Software in-line commands
  voice selections:   description of
      Changing Voice Selections
      Customizing a DECtalk Software Voice
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
      Name [:name]
  voices:   customizing
      Customizing a DECtalk Software Voice
  voices:   speaker definitions for
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  Volume [
      Volume [:volume]
  Volume [:  volume] in-line command
      Volume [:volume]
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  vowels:   phonemic symbols for
      Phonemic Symbols - U.S. English
  wave-file mode
      wave-file mode
  WAVE file
      Saving Text as a .WAV File from the Speak Applet
      WAVE file
      Wave-File Mode
  WAVE file:   mode
      Wave-File Mode
  WAVE file:   saving from Speak applet
      Saving Text as a .WAV File from the Speak Applet
  wave form output
      wave form output
      Definitions of DECtalk Software Voices
  What's New in DECtalk Software V4.6
      What's New in DECtalk Software V4.6?
  What's New in DECtalk V4.61?
      What's New in DECtalk Software V4.61?
  Window procedure
      Window Procedure Example
  Window procedure:   example
      Window Procedure Example
  Window procedures
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
  Window procedures:   defined in startup functions
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
  word boundary
      word boundary
  Word macro to run DECtalk
      Associating a macro with a toolbar button
      Creating a Word Macro and associating it with a file or template
      Speaking text with the DECtalk TTS Server
  Word macro to run DECtalk:   associating with toolbar
      Associating a macro with a toolbar button
  Word macro to run DECtalk:   creating
      Creating a Word Macro and associating it with a file or template
  Word macro to run DECtalk:   using to speak text
      Speaking text with the DECtalk TTS Server
  word mode
      word mode
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
      Error Messages
  WPARAM:   in callback routine
      Callback Routines and Window Procedures
  WPARAM:   in error messages
      Error Messages
  WPARAM:  dv command options
      Assertiveness, as
      Average Pitch, ap, and Pitch Range, pr
      Baseline Fall, bf
      Breathiness, br
      Cascade Vocal Tract Gains, g1, g2, g3, and g4
      Design Voice [:dv] Command
      Hat Rise, hr
      Head Size, hs
      Higher Formants, f4, f5, b4, and b5
      Laryngealization, la
      Lax Breathiness, lx
      Loudness, g5
      Nopen Fixed, nf
      Quickness, qu
      Richness, ri
      Sex, sx
      Smoothness, sm
      Sound Source Gains, gv, gh, gf, and gn
      Stress Rise, sr