Registry Entry Information

OEM customers may install the 32-bit code for DECtalk Software, together with other application software, on an end-user computer system, without using the DECtalk installation software. In such cases, you need to make registry entries on the end-user system to enable DECtalk Software to work correctly with your application. When the DECtalk engine starts, it checks for licenses, descriptions, numbers of instances, and so on in the registry entries.

An installation program that you create to install your application and the necessary components of DECtalk Software on an end-user system must set up registry entry information on the that system.

In addition to installation considerations, you may also need registry entry information to resolve some kinds of errors. For example, the DECtalk software may report that the user dictionary is not found in the expected location. You can look up registry entry information in the following list to see how to interpret registry entries correctly and to see what registry entries have changed in the current version of DECtalk.


Earlier versions of DECtalk Software use DigitalEquipmentCorporation in the registry entries, as follows:

version\lang lang


Registry Entry Formats and Locations

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\Classes\CLSID\{clsidno}]

"DECtalk_{lang}{lang}"="DECtalk TTS Engine {lang}{lang}"


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\Classes\CLSID\{clsidno}\InprocServer32]



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\Classes\Software\DECtalk\{version}

"Version"="DECtalk MultLang version {version}



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\{appname}.exe]

"Path"="C:\Program Files\DECtalk\;C:\Program Files\DECtalk\Help"

@="C:\Program Files\DECtalk\{appname}.exe"


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\DECtalkDeinstKey]

"UninstallString"="C:\WIN95\uninst.exe -f\"C:\Program Files\DECtalk\DeIsL6.isu\""

"DisplayName"="DECtalk V{version}"


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\Voice\TextToSpeech\Engine]



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\DECtalk\{version}]








[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DECtalk Software\DECtalk\{version}\{lang}{lang}]

"Version"="DECtalk {lang}{lang} version {version}"


"MainDict"="C:\Program Files\DECtalk\{lang}{lang}\DTALK_{lang}{lang}.DIC"











[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DECtalk Software\DECtalk\{version}\{lang}{lang}]

"UserDict"="C:\Program Files\DECtalk\{lang}{lang}US\USER_{lang}{lang}.DIC"


Registry Entry Key

Where lang lang is "US", "UK", "SP", "LA" or "GR".

  Quotation marks are not part of the value.

 Where langname is the language name for a specific language:

 lang lang langname








  Quotation marks are not part of the value.


 Where version is "4.60" or current version number.

 Where appname is the name of an application using DECtalk.

 Where licpswd is encrypted password for licenseu.exe program.

 Where liccount is encrypted no. of authorized engine licenses.

 Where clsidno is the CLSID numbers for a specific lang lang.

 lang lang clsidno

 "US"   "{ED737300-8FCB-11ce-AB5D-00AA00590F2B}"

 "SP"   "{99EE9560-A4A6-11d1-BEB2-0060083E8376}"

 "LA"   "{99EE9550-A4A6-11d1-BEB2-0060083E8376}"

 "GR"   "{99EE9570-A4A6-11d1-BEB2-0060083E8376}"

 "UK"   "{99EE9540-A4A6-11d1-BEB2-0060083E8376}"

  You must include the {} around the clsidno specified.

  Quotation marks are not part of value.