Loudness, g5

The Loudness of voice (g5) option is set to about the same perceived loudness for each of the predefined voices. The values chosen are optimal for telephone conversation and are near the maximum value beyond which some phonemes would probably cause an overload squawk. A near-maximum value was selected to maximize the signal-to-noise level of DECtalk Software.

If you want to decrease the loudness of a voice or temporarily increase a phrase that is known not to overload, determine the g5 option value in dB for the voice in question. Then adjust the voice by using the following commands:

[:np][:dv g5 76] I am speaking at about half my normal level.

Because the g5 option value for Paul is 86, this command reduces loudness by 10 dB. Perceived loudness approximately doubles (or halves) for each 10 dB increment (or decrement) in the g5 option.

Software control over loudness is useful in a loudspeaker application where the background noise level in the room might change. For example, a vocally handicapped, wheelchair-bound person does not want to appear to be shouting in a quiet interpersonal conversation, but he or she may want to be able to converse in a noisy room as well.

DECtalk Software comes with volume control so that modification of the g5 option should not be necessary. Using the
Volume command or the volume control knob on the external loudspeaker is recommended.