Using the TTS Server to Run DECtalk Software from Windows Applications

On Windows systems, you can use the Text-to-Speech (TTS) server to run DECtalk Software from any application that supports Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). When run from such applications, you can have DECtalk speak any selected text associated with the application. For example, DECtalk can be "plugged into" Microsoft Word and then used as a proofing tool to read entire files or selected sections from those files.

The following section is an example of how to set up and then run DECtalk Software from within a Microsoft Word document. The steps include:

btn_mini.gif Creating a Word macro and associating it with a file or document template

btn_mini.gif Associating the macro with a button, menu selection, or hot key

btn_mini.gif Launching the DECtalk TTS Server and speaking the text

btn_mini.gif Speaking the text from within the document