Saving and Compiling the User Dictionary

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After you create the .tab source file, you compile the .tab source file to produce a .dic file. This file is loaded into a DECtalk Software session through the Speak applet or an API call.

To save and compile a new dictionary:





File pull-down menu (1)

Step 1

Display the File menu.

If you have not yet given your file a name, choose one of the following:

Compile Dictionary (2)

Save (3)

Save As... (4)

The Save dialog box is displayed in all three cases. (5)

Save as dialog box

Step 2

Navigate to the location where you want to save the dictionary session and enter a file name. (6)

A success message (7) is displayed, indicating that both the text file (in .tab format) and a dictionary file (in .dic format) have been saved.


To save and compile an existing dictionary:





File pull-down menu (1)

Step 1

Choose Open from the File menu to open an existing file.

The Open a File dialog box is displayed (not shown). The dictionary file (.tab file type) you choose is displayed in the edit window.


Step 2

Edit the file as described in the topic To build a user dictionary.


File pull-down menu (1)

Step 3

To save the changes you have made to the .tab file without compiling the dictionary, pull down the File menu (1) and click Save (3).

The changes you have made are saved.

File pull-down menu (1)

Step 4

To save your changes and compile the dictionary, pull down the File menu (1) and click Compile Dictionary. (2)

A success message (7) is displayed, indicating that both the text file (in .tab format) and a dictionary file (in .dic format) have been saved.


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