Optimizing the Quality of Spoken Text

DECtalk Software can choose the correct pronunciation by itself. For example, if you enter the following sentences:

He produced a lot of refuse. He refused the produce.

He inserts 5 inserts per minute. He deliberated deliberately for a long time.

Generally, DECtalk Software correctly selects the proper homograph. However, in certain unique context, the following user intervention may be needed:

·      Replace the correct spelling of the word with a clever misspelling.

I red yesterday that . . .

·      Spell the word phonetically.

I [r'ehd] yesterday that . . .

For words that have two pronunciations (homographs), see the Homograph tables found in the Homographs section.

Additionally, use the following steps to optimize spoken text.

1. If the word is a compound, use a hyphenated spelling to help DECtalk Software see the two parts of the compound.

The slide-show host . . .

2. Replace the text version by a phonemic string. Use the commands and phonemic symbols, but make sure to place the lexical stress pattern correctly.

Sometimes, a word does not sound quite right even when the best phonemic representation is selected. Usually, such subtle pronunciation defects are not correctable.

3. Now that each word is pronounced in the best possible way, listen to the total sentence rhythm and accent pattern. If it is not right, follow these steps.

(a) If it sounds like there should be a short pause in a particular sentence location, but DECtalk Software says the sentence without a pause, insert a comma between the words in question.

(b) If the wrong word is emphasized in the sentence, emphasize the word that is suppose to take the emphasis with the correct stress symbols.

The [‘] younger man is the trouble-maker, not the older one.

(c) Use the stress symbols; slash [/], backslash [\], and slash and backslash [/ \] to make final adjustments.

btn_mini.gif Click here for a complete list of stress symbols.

(d) If none of these actions gives you a satisfactory sentence, you can still specify duration and fundamental frequency motions for all phonemes with the Design Voice command.

btn_mini.gif Click here for help on the Design Voice command.