Special Text-To-Speech Modes




btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechSetSpeaker()

Selects one of nine speaking voices.

btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechCloseWaveOutFile()

Closes the specified wave file and returns the text-to-speech system to its startup state.

btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechOpenLogFile()

Opens a log file. TextToSpeechSpeak() writes text, phonemes, or syllables to this file.

btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechCloseLogFile()

Closes the specified log file and returns the text-to-speech system to its startup state.

btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechOpenInMemory()

Produces buffered speech samples in wave format whenever TextToSpeechSpeak is called. Calling application is notified when memory buffer is filled.

btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechCloseInMemory()

Returns the text-to-speech system to its startup state.

btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechAddBuffer()

Adds a shared-memory buffer allocated by the calling application to the memory buffer list.

btn_mini.gif TextToSpeechReturnBuffer()

Returns the current shared-memory buffer.